User Registered For Another Device On Drishti IAS


Drishti IAS is an Indian Civil Service coaching institute and they have a mobile app that provides online material and resources for students who preparing for the Civil Service Examination.

If you’re having an issue registering for another device on the Drishti IAS app,

There are a few things that could be causing the problem:

  1. It is possible that the email address or mobile number you’re trying to register with is already in use on another device.
  2. Make sure you have a strong internet connection when trying to register.
  3. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the app on your new device.
  4. Double-check that you are entering all the information correctly, including your email address and mobile number.

If you have tried all these things, and you are still not able to register for another device on the Drishti IAS app, it’s best to contact their customer support for assistance.

You can contact the Dristi IAS app support team via email, or phone or you can also message them on the App. They will help you to resolve the issue.

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